Fargo is a crime thriller that was written by the Coen
Brothers in 1996 about a
guy that has a car dealership that goes wrong and needs some help from other
people during the film. While the car dealership is happening on the side there is also a kidnapping of which occurs. This means that the money is desperatly needs to help fix everything, when the events change to something that goes horribly wrong.
The opening sequence occurs by showing a reverse screen of a
white background and black text that either includes the main actor’s names,
the director and the film title. By adding this it is showing the inverse of
what usually occurs and how the film maybe a typical thriller with the usual
conventions, however the story line is very different. Furthering on this idea it
is so bright that the writing dulls it down a bit, but still makes it clear
that these are so important to the film. Advancing this idea you can see the idea
that they were trying to make a point and exaggerate what is happening.
Titles that are icluded in the opening of the extract:
Titles that are icluded in the opening of the extract:
- This is a true story --> With an explanation
- Polygram Filmed, Entertainment Presents
- In association with worring title films
- Frances Mcdormand
- William H. Macy
- Steve Buscemi
- Harve Presenell
- Peter Stormare
- Fargo
- Fargo, North Dakota
The extract consists of one type of camera shot, and that one is
firstly known as a long shot of when Jerry first enters the bar. This is done
to add the thought that Jerry is clueless and the type of character that doesn’t
know what he is doing or looking for, but knows that there is two people he
needs to find. Furthering on this idea it may have been added to suggest the
need of help and whatever has happened would have been by accident due to not
knowing what he is doing. Adding on to this the long shot allows you to see
what type of character he is through what he is wearing, by representing a
smart guy in a suit, but tried to blend in by putting on the coat to cover up.
This suggests that he needs help from the two guys, and needs to dress like
them for them to believe he is one of them.
add more to the opening sequence sound is used to allow the person watching it
to hear what is happening. At this point of the extract an opening sequence is
added of a montage of the directors name, actor’s name and the title of the
film to allow them to know who is in the film and the director in case you like
what they have created. The sound type used at this point is diegetic sound of
a slow tempo song. This implies that they are slowly going in to the story and
how you can’t easily predict what is going to happen. To widen this idea you
can tell that the delicate music used goes into a car being towed away to maybe
suggest that this is one of the parts of the film where there isn't two much
drama happening.
Mise – En- Scene:
is the way of describing what is seen being able to be seen in the extract. In
the extract Mise-En-Scene is presenting the lighting and colour of the screen
and what is happening. The colouring at this part is very bright and beaming to
keep people interested from the beginning. By starting off this point with
something different it attracts the audience to want to see what happens and
get an explanation for it. Advancing the idea of colouring, it may be this to
fade into the type of weather that is snowy, cold, and a beautiful setting to
be looking at, that makes entrance of the film built up to something filled
with a lot of drama as well as a setting wanting to look at. Adding on to this it is showing that even though all of this is happening, the rest of the world is calm and simple.

In the extract editing is portrayed through shot reverse
shot straight after the opening title sequence to represent that a conversation
is occurring between the three men. At this point of the conversation you can
see that one man is standing up to suggest that he wanted something from the
other two and may desperately need it. The two men sat down are at a low angle
shot looking up at someone to try and imply that they are listening to the
character of Jerry, but may not do what he would like from them. Furthering on
this idea you can see that Jerry was very nervous about asking, when you heard
the way he was talking and the body language was very timid and awkward to
suggest that Jerry was desperate to get the money.
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