Black Swan:
Black Swan is a thriller that was created by Darren Aronosfky in 2010 about a young ballerina named Nina, when she takes over the role for the white swan from a dancer named Beth, and the black swan is given to a girl named Lily that persuades her to show her evil side which then starts to take over her life.
Black Swan includes an opening sequence of the film to show the building of the ballerina as well as it doesn't instantly happen or turn out like that. The film also uses a few clips at the beginning to allow you to establish who the characters are with the day to day activities that happen.
Titles that appear in the extract: - Fox Searchlight Pictures presents, In Association with Cross Creek Pictures
- A Protoza and Pheonix Pictures Production
- A Darren Aronofsky Film
- In Association with Cross Creek Pictures
- Music By Clint Mansell
- Story By Andres Heinz
- Produced By Mike Medavoy
- And Arnold W. Messer
- Executive Producer Tyler Thompson, Peter Fruchtman
- Screenplay By Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz
- Natalie Portman
- Vincent Cassel
- Mila Kunis
- Black Swan
The camera shot used in this extract is a handheld camera. This implies the realistic way the characters are trying to be portrayed in the extract. Adding on to this the camera may of been done to show that life isn't easy and she will witness that for herself further along in the film. This shown through the uneven movement of camera and how she is living life to this moment. The handheld camera is also in the view of the other person. This is may mean to suggest how they see the girl at this point, as the character is portrayed as someone very timid, shy and includes innocent acting.
In the extract the type of sound used is musical. The musical sound goes well with the type of shot as it ties together the whole atmosphere. The type of music that was playing in the background was very slow and classical music for the Nina to dance along in time with. By doing this it allows you not to just see what is going on, yet you can hear what is being done through song. This is the opening sound and it automatically allows you to understand the type of character trying to be portrayed.
Mise – En- Scene:
In this point of the extract the white long beautiful dressed is used to show the character. This is added to allow the character to fit the role that is being shown. The white dress is used to suggest the characters timid, innocent and beautiful side of her. This is shown because they maybe want to know the character she was before the black swan takes over her and changes the character that she is inside.
The way editing is presented is at the beginning of Black Swan is through a transition of black that fades into the girl dancing. This may be done to suggest the curtain is opening when she goes on to the stage. The black allows the girl to stand out in her white costume and show the beautiful dancer that she is. Furthering on this idea you can see that on the dark black background, it allows the character of Nina to stand out. This suggests that she is trying to shine her innocence onto everyone else.
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