
Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Planning: Production Company Font's

Siamese Studios:

The reason for firstly choosing this font is because of the idea that it is very simple, but does not take away from the idea of what is happening in the image. It is allowing it to look like more is going on in the image, however it is very basic. The font looks different on this image above, than the whole thing placed together because of the 'AM' in Siamese, has been underlined.

Littlewoods Productions:
Lucida Bright: 

Looking at the first font choice for Littlewoods Production I can automatically see the change of font with this looking a lot less bold and in your face compared to the siamese studios. The reason for doing this was because I thought that it would work well with two very different ideas for the production company. This would give a change and a different look to the opening sequence. Furthering on this idea, I can see that this font looks a lot more delicate on the screen and is a lot less in your face

Looking at the two opening sequences that have been created, two very different fonts have been used on them. The reason for this is because of the idea that they work well with the different images and the way that it is being portrayed towards the audience.

Overall, the idea behind creating two different production company was to allow the audience to have a choice about which one that they can create, as it allows there input and something that they enjoy looking at, at the beginning of the opening. This also lets the company be recognised which means something that people are more likely to remember.

Siamese Studios
Littlewood’s Production

The pie chart is being used to present the views of what the people think of the production company's logo. The choice of which was preferred was the Littlewood's Production'sThe thinking behind the choice is because of the idea that it is more of a similar look to what has been created before, compared to the idea of Siamese Studios being a random cat looking over the see. Furthering on this idea people like to see something very simple and more eye catching on the screen and for them the idea of Littlewoods Productions attracts to them a lot more.

Overall the Company choice that I am going to be using at the beginning of the opening sequence is the Littlewoods Productions. The reason for this is because I think that this is something the audience would rather see, as that was chosen by most and seemed to be a lot more popular compared to Siamese Studios. Adapting this idea I can also tell that Littlewoods Productions fits with the opening due to the image that is including the sky with clouds like all of the other production company out there. 

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