The first project that i started to analysis was by Tammy Harris, who created an opening sequence for the film 'Unorthodox'. The opening sequence that was watched is about a male antagonist that is slowly getting ready for the day ahead, presented in the genre of Thriller.
Strengths: Another strength of 'Unorthodox' is the use of sound. The sound is presented through the non diegetic and diegetic sound. One example of diegetic sound is shown through the sound that is being created when your filming the screen. The dialogue that was said was 'Daisy' repeatedly. This suggests that the idea that 'Daisy' is a significant character, that is very important due to putting together the plot of the extract. Furthering on this idea it creates the question of Who is daisy? What does she add to the story? By adding this, it makes the audience raise a lot of different questions as they may eagerly want an explanation.Finally the dialogue was very little, however showed a lot more about the character than anticipated by showing that he was the antagonist. Another way sound was added was through Non diegetic sound. This the type of sound which is not heard to the the character in the scene, yet it can be heard to the audience because it was added at the editing stage. The sound that was added fitted so perfectly with the video clips as it matched what was happening in the scene. The main reason for mentioning the sound was because I found that the sound was a strength of the extract as it added the feel of suspense and query to the extract as you would like find out more, so if they carry on watching it will allow more to be revealed.
'Unorthodox' also includes the strengths of which is the way that the extract fits with the genre of a thriller. The reason for this is because it shows the conventions such as: An opening sequence that included titles of everyone who helped create the project video, it also included suspense as you could not really tell what was going to happen and was trying to build up to something that is going to change the whole idea of the video, and used a lot of different shots, of which are very short and edited together well to make it feel like a thriller. The main reason that these have come out as being strengths to what Tammy has created is because it is has been put together so well, that it make people enjoy what they are watching.
Finding a weakness of 'Unorthodox' was a lot harder because the strengths were so over powering,and the group of them completed it to a high standard. One weakness from this was when they were tying up the person.The reason for mentioning this is because everything that got put together fitted so well, yet it made no sense to myself why that was randomly put in the middle of what was happening. By putting this in the weaknesses dose not mean that it ruins the whole extract, however it just gave a little confusion.
Overall, i think that this video was one of the ones that got a higher up grade, with it looking immaculately edited together. Their is a few ideas and parts that I could use for inspiration when it comes to creating my own project. The idea that was used, was so basic and worked well as in the way that they presented it. The idea helped me realize the sort of thing I would like to create, as well as knowing that it is easy to make it fit with the genre of a thriller.
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